Concise English–Interlingua Dictionary: Y
Table of Contents, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Y (letter - ) littera y (*ypsilon, ipsilon, i grec)
- YACHT yacht
- YACHTING yachting
- YACHTSMAN devoto del *yachting, sportsman nautic
- YACKETY-YACK confabulation; conversar, confabular, garrular
- YAH *yah, *jah
- YAHWEH *yahweh, *jahveh, *jehovah
- YAK yak
- YAM (Chinese) *igname; (sweet potato) batata
- YANK tirar con violentia
- YANKEE yankee
- YAP n latrato acute; v latrar acutemente
- YARD (courtyard) corte; (industr.) deposito; (naut.) virga; (measurement) yard
- YARDSTICK (official measurement) baston de metal/ligno definiente un yard; (norm) criterio, norma
- YARN (story) conto, historia; (thread) filo
- YAWN n oscitation; v (with tiredness) oscitar; (fig.) hiar
- YAWNING adj grande; n oscitation
- YE (old english) vos
- YEAR anno
- YEARBOOK annuario
- YEARLY annual
- YEARN-FOR appeter
- YEARNING desiro ardente
- YEAST levatura
- YELL n crito; v critar
- YELLOW adj/n jalne
- YELLOW-CARD (soccer/football) carta jalne
- YELLOW-FEVER febre jalne
- YELLOW-SEA Mar Jalne
- YELLOWNESS jalnessa
- YELP n latrato de dolor; v latrar
- YEMEN *Yemen
- YEMENI (n/adj) yemenese
- YES si
- YESMAN *sycophante
- YET adv (already, so far) jam; (still) ancora; conj totevia; NOT - nondum, ancora non
- YEW taxo
- YIDDISH adj judeogerman, *yiddish; n judeogermano, *yiddish
- YIELD n rendimento; vt ceder, render; vi (surrender) render se, submitter se; (collapse) plicar se
- YIELDING adj cedente, complacente; n cedimento
- YODEL *yodelar, cantar al maniera *tirolese
- YOGA *yoga
- YOGHURT yogurt
- YOKE n jugo; v conjugar
- YOKEL rustico, persona inculte
- YOLK vitello
- YONDER adj ille; adv ibi
- YOU (formal) vos; (familiar singular as subject) tu; (familiar singular as object) te; (indefinite as subject) on; (indefinite as reflexive object) se; (indefinite after preposition) uno
- YOU-HAD-BETTER-GO vos facera melio vader
- YOUNG adj. juvene; n. (of animal) pullo; (young persons) juvenes
- YOUNG-MAN juvene homine
- YOUNG-WOMAN juvene femina
- YOUNGER plus juvene
- YOUNGER-BROTHER fratre cadette
- YOUNGER-SISTER soror cadette
- YOUNGSTER juvene persona
- YOUR (formal) vostre; (familiar singular) tu; (indefinite) su; le... tue, le... vostre, le sue
- YOURS (formal) le vostre(s); (familiar singular) le tue(s); (indefinite) le sue(s)
- YOURSELF (polite as object) vos; (familiar as object) te; (emphatic pronoun) ipse, mesme
- YOUTH (period of life, young) juventute; (young man) juvene
- YOUTH-HOSTEL albergo de juventute
- YOUTHFUL juvene, juvenil
- YOUTHFULNESS juventute, juvenilitate
- YUGOSLAV adj yugoslave; n yugoslavo
- YUGOSLAVIA Yugoslavia
- YUKON (Canada) Yukon
- YULE Natal, Noel
- YULETIDE Natal, Noel