Concise English–Interlingua Dictionary: U
Table of Contents, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- U.F.O. O.V.N.I. (objecto volante non identificate)
- U.N.E.S.C.O. U.N.E.S.C.O.
- UDDER ubere
- UGLINESS feditate
- UGLY fede, repulsive
- UKRAINE Ukraina
- UKULELE *ukulele
- ULCER ulcere
- ULCERATE ulcerar
- ULCERATED ulcerose
- ULTERIOR ulterior
- ULTIMATE ultimate
- ULTIMATUM ultimatum
- ULTRASONIC *ultrasonic
- ULTRAVIOLET ultraviolette
- UMBILICAL umbilical
- UMBRAGE, TAKE offender se (de, pro)
- UMBRELLA parapluvia
- UMPIRE n arbitro; v arbitrar
- UMPTEEN mul-issime, io non sape quante
- UN- (negative prefix) with adjectives use "in-", which becomes "il-" before L, "ir-" before R, "im-" before M and P; with verbs, use "dis-"
- UNABATED sin diminution
- UNABLE incapace, inhabile
- UNABRIDGED (not shortened) non abbreviate; (of edition) integral
- UNACCEPTABLE inacceptabile
- UNACCOMPANIED (alone) sol; (mus.) sin accompaniamento
- UNACCOUNTABLE inexplicabile
- UNACCUSTOMED (not used to) non accostumate, pauco habituate; (unusual) insolite
- UNACQUAINTED, BE non cognoscer
- UNADULTERATED non adulterate, pur
- UNADVISABLE pauco consiliabile
- UNAFFECTED (sincere) sin affectation, sincer; (chem. etc.) inalterabile
- UNAIDED sin adjuta
- UNALTERED non alterate
- UNAMBIGUOUS inambigue
- UNAMBITIOUS sin ambition
- UNANIMOUS unanime
- UNANSWERED (not replied to) sin responsa; (of argument) irrefutabile; (of prayer) non *exaudite
- UNAPPETISING pauco appetitose
- UNAPPRECIATED *inappreciate
- UNAPPROACHABLE inaccessibile
- UNARMED sin armas
- UNASHAMED sin vergonia
- UNASSUMING modeste, sin pretensiones
- UNATTRACTIVE non attractive
- UNAUTHORIZED non autorisate, illicite
- UNAVOIDABLE inevitabile
- UNAWARE ignorante, inconsciente; -S inconsciemente, per inadvertentia
- UNBALANCED disequilibrate, instabile
- UNBEARABLE insupportabile, intolerabile
- UNBECOMING incongrue, indecorose
- UNBELIEVABLE incredibile
- UNBEND facer se affabile
- UNBENDING inflexibile
- UNBIASED impartial
- UNBIDDEN non invitate
- UNBIND disligar
- UNBLEMISHED immaculate
- UNBORN non ancora nate, futur
- UNBREAKABLE infrangibile
- UNBURDEN discargar
- UNBUTTON disbuttonar
- UNCALLED-FOR gratuite, non meritate
- UNCANNY (mysterious) mysteriose, extraordinari; (disturbing) inquietante
- UNCARED FOR neglecte
- UNCEASING incessante
- UNCERTAIN incerte, insecur
- UNCERTAINTY incertitude
- UNCHALLENGED incontestate
- UNCHANGED sin alteration, sempre le mesme
- UNCHECKED adj (not verified, not under control) non controlate; (not bridled) non frenate; (free) libere; (of figures) non verificate; adv sin freno
- UNCLE oncle
- UNCLEAN immunde, impur
- UNCLEAR pauco clar
- UNCLOTHED nude, sin vestimentos
- UNCOIL *disinrolar (se)
- UNCOMFORTABLE (of chairs, etc.) non confortabile; (of heat) incommode; (of mind) inquiete
- UNCOMMON pauco commun, insolite, rar
- UNCOMPROMISING intransigente
- UNCONCEALED non celate, aperte, non dissimulate
- UNCONCERN indifferentia
- UNCONCERNED indifferente
- UNCONDITIONAL inconditional
- UNCONFIRMED non confirmate
- UNCONNECTED sin connexion, disjuncte
- UNCONSCIONABLE excessive, irrationabile
- UNCONSCIOUS adj/n inconsciente
- UNCONSCIOUSNESS inconscientia, insensibilitate
- UNCONTROLLABLE (cannot be verified or controlled) incontrolabile; (of child) ingovernabile
- UNCONVENTIONAL original, pauco conventional
- UNCONVINCED non convincite
- UNCONVINCING pauco convincente
- UNCOOKED crude UNCORK discorcar
- UNCOUPLE disaccopular
- UNCOUTH grossier, rude
- UNCOVER (reveal) discoperir, revelar; (remove top) levar le coperculo de
- UNCRITICAL disproviste de senso critic, pauco exigente
- UNCULTURED inculte
- UNCUT non taliate
- UNDAMAGED (unharmed) intacte; (com.) non *avariate
- UNDATED sin data
- UNDAUNTED intrepide, non territe
- UNDECIDED indecise, non resolvite
- UNDECIPHERABLE indecifrabile, illegibile
- UNDEFEATED invicte
- UNDEFINABLE indefinibile
- UNDELIVERED non livrate
- UNDENIABLE indenegabile
- UNDER (beneath) sub, infra; (according to) secundo
- UNDER-ARMS armate
- UNDER-PROTEST sub reserva, facente objectiones
- UNDERCARRIAGE carro de atterrage
- UNDERCHARGE facer pagar minus que le precio juste
- UNDERCLOTHES subvestimentos
- UNDERCOAT prime application
- UNDERCOVER clandestin
- UNDERCUT vender minus car que
- UNDERDEVELOPED *subdeveloppate
- UNDERDOG *oppresso
- UNDERDONE (undercooked) pauco cocite; (of beef) al sanguine
- UNDERESTIMATE n estimation insufficiente; v subestimar; (despise) minuspreciar
- UNDERFOOT sub le pedes
- UNDERGO suffrer
- UNDERGROUND adj subterranee; n (rly.) metro
- UNDERGROWTH arbustos basse, boscage
- UNDERHAND clandestin
- UNDERLINE sublinear
- UNDERLING subordinato
- UNDERLYING fundamental, subjacente
- UNDERMENTIONED mentionate infra
- UNDERMINE (sap) minar; (weaken) ruinar, injuriar
- UNDERNEATH adv infra; prep sub
- UNDERNOURISHED subalimentate
- UNDERPANTS calceones
- UNDERPASS passage inferior
- UNDERPAY pagar mal
- UNDERPIN appoiar
- UNDERPRIVILEGED povre, economicamente debile
- UNDERRATE subestimar (le importantia de)
- UNDERSELL vender minus car
- UNDERSHIRT subcamisa
- UNDERSIGNED adj subsignate; n subsignato
- UNDERSKIRT subgonnella
- UNDERSTAFFED con personal insufficiente
- UNDERSTAND comprender, intender
- UNDERSTANDING (comprehension) intelligentia; (agreement) accordo
- UNDERSTATE *minimisar
- UNDERSTATEMENT declaration insufficiente, attenuation del veritate
- UNDERSTUDY substituto
- UNDERTAKE interprender
- UNDERTAKER director de pompas funebre
- UNDERTAKING (firm) interprisa; (promise) promissa
- UNDERTONE voce basse
- UNDERVALUE *subestimar, *subvalutar
- UNDERWATER submarin
- UNDERWEAR subvestimentos
- UNDERWORLD basse fundos del societate
- UNDESCRIBABLE indescriptibile
- UNDESERVED *immeritate
- UNDESIRABLE indesirabile
- UNDETECTED non discoperite
- UNDETERRED non discoragiate, intimidate
- UNDEVELOPED non disveloppate
- UNDIGNIFIED sin dignitate, indecorose
- UNDILUTED (not thinned down) *indiluite, concentrate; (fig.) pur
- UNDIPLOMATIC pauco diplomatic
- UNDISCIPLINED *indisciplinate
- UNDISCRIMINATING sin discernimento
- UNDISGUISED (not changed in appearance) non disguisate; (open) non dissimulate, aperte, franc
- UNDISMAYED sin pavor, impavide, non discoragiate
- UNDISPUTED *incontestate
- UNDISTINGUISHABLE non distinguibile
- UNDISTURBED non disturbate
- UNDIVIDED indivise, integre
- UNDO disfacer; (ruin) perder
- UNDOING perdition, ruina
- UNDOUBTED indubitate
- UNDREAMT OF *inimaginabile
- UNDRESS disvestir (se)
- UNDRINKABLE non potabile
- UNDUE excessive, illegitime
- UNDULATE undular
- UNDULATING undulate
- UNEARNED (not deserved) immeritate; (not worked for) non ganiate per labor
- UNEARTH exhumar
- UNEARTHLY supernatural, sinistre
- UNEASINESS anxietate, inquietate
- UNEASY (anxious) anxie, inquiete; (of sleep) agitate
- UNEATABLE inedibile
- UNEDUCATED ignorante, sin instruction, vulgar
- UNEMOTIONAL (not moved) pauco impressionabile; (of account) objective
- UNEMPLOYED adj disoccupate, sin empleo; n (le) disoccupatos
- UNEMPLOYMENT disoccupation
- UNEMPLOYMENT-BENEFIT subsidio de disoccupation
- UNENDING interminabile
- UNENDURABLE insupportabile, intolerabile
- UNENVIABLE pauco invidiabile
- UNEQUAL inequal
- UNERRING infallibile
- UNEVEN (not smooth, not regular) inequal; (odd) impar
- UNEVEN accidentate
- UNEXCEPTIONABLE irreprochabile
- UNEXCITING insipide
- UNEXPECTED impreviste, insperate
- UNFAILING constante, inexhauribile, infallibile
- UNFAIR injuste, disloyal
- UNFAITHFUL (displaying infidelity infidel; (of translation) inexacte
- UNFAITHFULNESS (infidelity) infidelitate; (of translation) inexactitude
- UNFAMILIAR estranie, incognite
- UNFASHIONABLE foras de moda, passate de moda
- UNFASTEN disfacer
- UNFAVO(U)RAOLE adverse, disavantagiose, disfavorabile
- UNFEELING insensibile
- UNFEIGNED non fingite, sincer
- UNFINISHED (incomplete) incomplete; (industr.) semilaborate
- UNFIT adj (out of place) improprie, inapte; (ill) infirme, incapace
- UNFOLD displicar (se)
- UNFORESEEN impreviste, non previdite
- UNFORGETTABLE inoblidabile
- UNFORGIVABLE impardonabile
- UNFORTUNATE infortunate, infelice
- UNFORTUNATELY infortunatemente
- UNFOUNDED sin fundamento
- UNFULFILLED *incomplite, irrealisate
- UNFURNISHED non mobilate, sin mobiles
- UNGAINLY disgratiose
- UNGETATABLE inaccessibile
- UNGODLY (wicked) impie; (of row) infernal
- UNGRAMMATICAL incorrecte
- UNGRATEFUL ingrate
- UNGUARDED (not defended) sin defensa; (remark) incaute, inconsiderate
- UNHAPPINESS infelicitate
- UNHAPPY infelice
- UNHARMED illese, indemne, san e salve
- UNHEALTHY insalubre, malsan
- UNHEARD (OF) inaudite
- UNHEEDED neglecte, a que on non presta attention
- UNHESITATING decise, firme
- UNHINDERED sin incombramento, libere
- UNIDENTIFIED non identificate
- UNIDENTIFIED-FLYING OBJECT objecto volante non identificate
- UNIFORM adj/n uniforme
- UNIFY unificar
- UNILATERAL unilateral
- UNIMAGINABLE non imaginabile, inconcipibile
- UNIMPAIRED intacte, integre, non diminuite
- UNIMPORTANT insignificante, pauco importante, sin importantia
- UNIMPRESSED frigide, non impressionate
- UNINHABITABLE *inhabitabile
- UNINHABITED deserte, non habitate
- UNINITIATED non initiate
- UNINJURED (person) illese, indemne; (goods) intacte, sin damno
- UNINSPIRED banal, mediocre, sin inspiration
- UNINTELLIGENT inintelligente
- UNINTELLIGIBLE inintelligibile
- UNINTENTIONAL involuntari
- UNINTERESTED non interessate, indifferente
- UNINTERESTING pauco interessante
- UNINTERRUPTED ininterrupte
- UNINVITED sin invitation
- UNINVITING pauco appetitose
- UNINVITING pauco attractive, *inappetibile
- UNION (link, group) union; (trade-union) syndicato, trade-union
- UNION-JACK bandiera britannic
- UNIONIST (pol.) unionista; (trade-unionist) syndicalista
- UNIQUE unic
- UNISON, IN de concerto, al unisono
- UNIT (gentile., mil.) unitate; (mech.) elemento
- UNIT-TRUST societate de investimento
- UNITARIAN adj unitari; n unitario
- UNITE unir (se)
- UNITED unite
- UNITED-NATIONS Nationes Unite
- UNITED-STATES adj *statounitese; n Statos Unite (de America)
- UNITY unitate
- UNIVERSAL universal
- UNIVERSAL-JOINT *juncto/articulation de Cardan
- UNIVERSE universo, cosmo
- UNIVERSITY adj universitari; n universitate
- UNJUST injuste
- UNJUSTIFIABLE injustificabile
- UNKEMPT (neglected) inculte; (of hair) mal pectinate
- UNKIND cruel, inamical
- UNKINDNESS cruelitate, manco de amabilitate
- UNKNOWN incogite
- UNLACE *dislaciar, disfacer (le cordones/*lacios)
- UNLAWFUL illegal, illicite
- UNLESS a minus que, si non
- UNLICENSED (without authority) non autorisate; (of premises) sin licentia
- UNLIKE differente, dissimile, dispare
- UNLIKELY inverisimile
- UNLIMITED illimitate
- UNLOAD discargar
- UNLOCK disserrar
- UNLOOKED FOR impreviste, insperate
- UNLOOSE disligar
- UNLUCKY (unfortunate) infortunate; (ill-starred) *nefaste
- UNMANAGEABLE ingovernabile, intractabile
- UNMANLY effeminate, pauco viril
- UNMARRIED celibe, non maritate
- UNMATCHED incomparabile
- UNMEANT facite sin intention, involuntari
- UNMENTIONABLE immentionabile
- UNMOVED impassibile, insensibile
- UNNAMED innominate
- UNNATURAL innatural
- UNNECESSARY inutile, non necessari, superflue
- UNNEEDED non necessari
- UNNERVE enervar
- UNNOTICED inobservate
- UNOBSTRUCTED non obstruite
- UNOBTAINABLE introvabile, non obtenibile
- UNOBTRUSIVE discrete, modeste
- UNOFFICIAL non official
- UNOPENED non aperite, non aperte
- UNORTHODOX pauco orthodoxe
- UNPACK disimballar, dispacchettar
- UNPAID non pagate
- UNPARALLELED incomparabile, sin precedente
- UNPARDONABLE impardonabile
- UNPATRIOTIC *antipatriotic
- UNPATRIOTIC antipatriotic
- UNPERTURBED imperturbate, impassive
- UNPLEASANT (disagreeable) disagradabile; (of work, etc.) ingrate
- UNPLEASANTNESS character disagradabile
- UNPOLISHED (not smoothened, not refined) non polite; (crude) rude
- UNPOPULAR impopular
- UNPRECEDENTED sin precedente
- UNPREJUDICED disinteressate, impartial
- UNPREPARED non preparate
- UNPRODUCTIVE improductive
- UNPROFITABLE sin profito
- UNPROTECTED sin protection
- UNPROVOKED non provocate
- UNPUBLISHED inedite, non publicate
- UNPUNISHED impunite
- UNQUALIFIED (jur.) incompetente; (without a certificate) sin diploma; (without the right) sin titulo; (unlimited) absolute, inconditional
- UNQUESTIONABLE indiscutibile
- UNRAVEL *disintricar
- UNREADABLE illegibile
- UNREAL irreal
- UNREASONABLE irrationabile, disrationabile
- UNRECOGNIZABLE *irrecognoscibile
- UNRECORDED non registrate
- UNRELATED non connexe, sin relation
- UNRELENTING implacabile, inexorabile
- UNRELIABLE non digne de fide, pauco fidel
- UNRELIEVED non mitigate, total
- UNREMITTING incessante, infatigabile
- UNREPENTANT impenitente
- UNRESERVEDLY sin reserva
- UNREST (restlessness) inquietude; (social, etc.) agitation, disordine
- UNRESTRAINED disfrenate, immoderate, libere
- UNRESTRICTED sin restriction
- UNRIPE crude, immatur, verde
- UNRIVALED incomparabile, sin par, sin rival
- UNROLL *disinrolar (se)
- UNRULY *indisciplinate, turbulente
- UNSAFE insecur
- UNSAID non dicite
- UNSANITARY antihygenic
- UNSATISFACTORY non satisfactori
- UNSATISFIED non satisfacte
- UNSAVORY disagradabile
- UNSCATHED indemne
- UNSCIENTIFIC non scientific, pauco scientific
- UNSCREW *disvitar
- UNSCRUPULOUS sin conscientia, inscrupulose
- UNSEAL dissigillar
- UNSEAT (parl.) privar (un deputato) de su sede
- UNSEEMLY improprie, indecente
- UNSEEN invisibile
- UNSERVICEABLE inservibile, inutile
- UNSETTLED (undecided) indecisive; (weather) variabile
- UNSHAKEN non succutite
- UNSHELTERED non protegite, sin protection, exponite al ventos
- UNSIGHTLY repugnante al vista
- UNSIGNED non signate, sin signatura
- UNSKILLED (not expert) inexperte; (labour) manual, non-specialisate
- UNSOCIABLE insociabile
- UNSOLD non vendite
- UNSOLICITED non sollicitate
- UNSOLVED non solvite, non resolvite
- UNSOPHISTICATED (naive) ingenue, naive; (simple) simple
- UNSOUND (argument) erronee, false; (mind) infirme; (structure) defectuose
- UNSPARING (generous) generose, prodige; (merciless) impietose
- UNSPEAKABLE inqualificabile, inexprimibile
- UNSPECIFIED non specificate
- UNSTABLE instabile
- UNSTEADY (unbalanced) disequilibrate, instabile; (tottering) titubante
- UNSTINTED abundante, illimitate
- UNSUCCESSFUL (without success) non-succedite; (efforts) infructuose, van; (candidate) non eligite
- UNSUITABLE improprie, incommode
- UNSUITED inapte; BE - TO disconvenir a
- UNSURE insecur
- UNSURPASSED non superate, sin equal
- UNSUSPECTING non suspiciose, sin suspicion
- UNTANGLE *disintricar
- UNTENABLE intenibile
- UNTHINKABLE inconcipibile
- UNTIDY (person) pauco methodic; (room) in disordine
- UNTIE disnodar
- UNTIL conj (as far as) usque; (before) ante que; prep usque, usque a
- UNTIMELY inopportun, prematur
- UNTIRING infatigabile
- UNTO a
- UNTOLD (riches) incalculabile; (story) inedite
- UNTOUCHABLE *intoccabile
- UNTRAINED inexperte, non specialisate
- UNTRUE false
- UNUSABLE inutilisabile
- UNUSED inexhauste, inutilisate
- UNUSUAL insolite, singular
- UNUTTERABLE ineffabile, inexprimibile
- UNVEIL disvelar
- UNWANTED non desirate, superflue
- UNWARRANTABLE injustificabile
- UNWARRANTED non autorisate, sin garantia, injustificate
- UNWARY imprudente
- UNWELCOME non benvenite
- UNWELL indisposite, malade
- UNWIELDY non-maneabile
- UNWILLING *disinclinate, reluctante, non volente
- UNWILLINGLY de mal voluntate, de mal grado
- UNWILLINGNESS reluctantia
- UNWIND (unroll) *disinrolar se; (relax) relaxar se
- UNWISE mal avisate
- UNWITTING inconsciente
- UNWORKABLE impracticabile
- UNWORTHINESS indignitate
- UNWORTHY indigne
- UNWRAP disinveloppar, dispacchettar
- UNWRITTEN (not written) non scribite; (traditional) traditional
- UP adv (above, upwards) in alto; (out of bed) foras del lecto; (finished) finite; (road) in reparation; prep in alto del; GO - montar, ascender; IT'S - TO YOU es a vos; WHAT'S - WITH HIM? que cosa le afflige?
- UP-END altiar le extremitate de
- UP-GRADE promover a grado superior
- UP-IN in
- UP-TO DATE (current) actual, recente; (fashionable) al moda
- UP-TO a, usque a
- UPBRINGING education
- UPHEAVAL (geological) sublevamento; (fig.) commotion (un parola)
- UPPER AUSTRIA alte Austria
- USE (v) usar
- UTTERLY absolutemente, completemente
- UVULA uvula