Concise English–Interlingua Dictionary: H
Table of Contents, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- HABIT habito
- HABITABLE habitabile
- HABITUAL habitual
- HACK n (taxi) taxi; (writer) scriptor mercenari; v taliar, hachar
- HADDOCK eglefino
- HAEMORRHAGE hemorrhagia
- HAG vetula repulsive; (witch) maga
- HAGGARD discarnate, emaciate
- HAGGLE negotiar *cavillosemente
- HAGUE, THE le Haga
- HAIL n grandine; vt salutar; vi grandinar
- HAILSTONE petra de grandine
- HAILSTORM tempesta de grandine
- HAIR (anat.) capillo, pilo; (head of hair) capillatura; SPLIT -S finder capillos in quatro
- HAIR-RAISING (making hair stand on end) horripilante; (fig.) horrific
- HAIRBRUSH brossa pro capillos
- HAIRCUT *taliatura del capillos
- HAIRDO pectinatura
- HAIRDRESSER perrucchero
- HAIRDRESSER'S *perruccheria
- HAIRDRESSING mestiero del perrucchero
- HAIRDRYER *siccacapillos
- HAIRLESS sin capillos, calve
- HAIRNET rete pro le capillos
- HAIRPIECE *toupet
- HAIRSTYLE pectinatura
- HAIRY hirsute, pilose
- HALF adj medie; n medietate; GO HALVES ir a medietate
- HALF-A-DOZEN un medie dozena
- HALF-AN-HOUR un medie hora
- HALF-AND-HALF medietate a medietate
- HALF-BAKED (underdone) a medietate cocite; (fig.) non practic, stupide
- HALF-BREED mesticio
- HALF-BROTHER medie fratre
- HALF-CASTE mesticio
- HALF-HEARTED tepide, pauco enthusiastic
- HALF-MAST, AT a medie mast
- HALF-PINT medie pinta
- HALF-PRICE a medietate de precio
- HALF-SISTER medie soror
- HALF-TERM vacantias de medie trimestre
- HALF-TIME intervallo, pausa
- HALF-YEAR semestre
- HALF-YEARLY semestral
- HALFBACK (soccer/football) *mediano, *halfback
- HALFWAY a medietate del cammino
- HALFWIT imbecille
- HALIBUT *halibut
- HALL (entrance) vestibulo; (large room) sala
- HALLELUJAH hallelujah
- HALLMARK *punction de controlo
- HALLOWED sanctificate
- HALLOWEEN vigilia de omne sanctos
- HALLUCINATION hallucination
- HALO (aureole) aureola, *nimbo; (meteorol.) halo
- HALT n (stop) halto; (rly.) station facultative; vt arrestar; vi (stop) stationar; (mil.) facer halto; (as order) halt!
- HALTING hesitante
- HALVE divider in duo
- HAM gambon
- HAMBURGER *hamburger
- HAMMER n martello; v martellar
- HAMMER-HOME sublinear per argumentos repetite
- HAMMER-IN figer per colpos de martello
- HAMMOCK hamaca
- HAMPER n paniero; v impedir
- HAMSTER hamster
- HAND n (anat.) mano; (of clock) flecha; v dar, passar; AT - a mano; ON THE OTHER - del altere parte
- HAND-DOWN passar, transmitter
- HAND-GRENADE granata de mano
- HAND-OUT distribuer
- HAND-OVER livrar
- HAND-PICK (select by hand) colliger a mano; (fig.) seliger con cura
- HAND-ROUND passar de mano a mano
- HANDBAG sacco a mano
- HANDBALL (soccer/football) *mano
- HANDBOOK manual
- HANDBRAKE freno a mano
- HANDCART carretta de mano
- HANDCUFFS manicas de ferro, manillas
- HANDFUL manata
- HANDICAP n (drawback) disavantage, impedimento; (sport) handicap; v impedir, *disavantagiar
- HANDICAPPED invalide
- HANDICRAFT mestiero
- HANDKERCHIEF pannello (de naso)
- HANDLE n (of tool) manico; (of cup, jug, etc.) ansa; v (a tool) manear; (treat) tractar; - WITH CARE fragile!
- HANDMADE facite a mano
- HANDRAIL barra protective
- HANDSHAKE prisa de manos
- HANDSOME (attractive) belle; (generous) generose
- HANDWRITING scriptura
- HANDY (convenient) commode, maneabile; (skilful) habile
- HANG vt (suspend) suspender; (capital punishment) executar al furca; (wallpaper) attaccar, attachar; vi pender
- HANG-BACK restar arretrate, hesitar
- HANG-ON (be suspended from) depender de; (persist) perseverar; interj un momento!
- HANG-OUT pender foras
- HANG-UP vt appender, suspender; vi (telephone) reponer le receptor
- HANGAR hangar
- HANGER portamantello
- HANGMAN carnifice
- HANGOVER *sequelas de inebriation
- HANKER AFTER desirar ardentemente
- HAPHAZARD fortuite, accidental
- HAPPEN evenir, occurrer
- HAPPENING evenimento
- HAPPINESS felicitate, contento
- HAPPY felice, contente
- HAPPY-GO-LUCKY disinvolte
- HARASS molestar, persequer
- HARASSMENT molestation, persecution
- HARBOR,OUTER anteporto
- HARBOUR (port) porto; (refuge) asylo, refugio; v (give refuge) dar refugio a; (a grievance) nutrir
- HARBOUR-MASTER capitano de porto
- HARD adj (not soft) dur; (not easy) difficile, penose; adv multo, energicamente
- HARD-AND-FAST (rule) rigide; (decision) irrevocabile
- HARD-BOILED (egg) dur; (person) sever
- HARD-CURRENCY moneta forte
- HARD-HEADED practic, realista
- HARD-HEARTED insensibile, dur de corde
- HARD-WORKING assidue
- HARDBACK libro con copertura dur
- HARDBOARD pannello de fibra de ligno
- HARDEN indurar (se)
- HARDLY a pena
- HARDNESS (firmness) duressa; (of character, climate) rigor, severitate; (of task) difficultate
- HARDSHIP privation, adversitate
- HARDWARE (goods) quincalia; (computers) *hardware
- HARDWARE-SHOP quincalieria
- HARDY (tough) forte, robuste; (bot.) resistente
- HARE lepore
- HARICOT *phaseolo
- HARM n (injury) damno, mal; (wrong) torto; v facer mal a, nocer a
- HARMFUL malefic, nocive
- HARMLESS innocue, innocente
- HARMONIC harmonic
- HARMONICA harmonica
- HARMONIOUS harmoniose
- HARMONIZE harmonisar
- HARMONY harmonia
- HARNESS n harnese; v harnesar
- HARP harpa; - ON parlar constantemente de
- HARPOON n harpon; v harponar
- HARROW n hirpice; v hirpicar
- HARROWING adj angustiante; n hirpicage
- HARSH (rough) aspere, dur; (of to character) sever; (of sound) stridente
- HARSHNESS (roughness) asperitate, duressa; (of character) severitate
- HARVEST n recolta; v recoltar
- HASHISH hachich
- HASTE haste
- HASTEN hastar (se)
- HASTY hastive
- HAT cappello
- HATCH n (door) trappa; (of birds) covata, v covar
- HATCHET hachetta
- HATE n odio; v detestar, odiar
- HATEFUL odiose
- HATRED odio
- HAUGHTY arrogante, superbe
- HAUL n pisca, *retata; v tirar, trainar
- HAULAGE transporto
- HAULAGE-CONTRACTOR interprenditor de transportos
- HAUNCH hanca
- HAUNT frequentar
- HAUNTED (house) infestate per spiritos; (look) obsessionate
- HAVE (in gentile.) haber; (possess) posseder; (cause to be done) facer
- HAVE-A-BATH baniar se
- HAVE-TO deber (t infin.)
- HAVERSACK sacco de dorso
- HAVOC ruina, devastation
- HAWK falcon
- HAWKER venditor ambulante
- HAWSER ammarra
- HAWTHORN spino blanc
- HAY feno
- HAYFEVER febre del feno
- HAYSTACK pila de feno
- HAYWIRE (confused) in disordine; (crazy) folle; GO - devenir folle, currer *amok
- HAZARD n hasardo, risco; v riscar
- HAZARDOUS riscose
- HAZE nebula
- HAZEL avellaniero
- HAZELNUT avellana
- HAZY (misty) nebulose; (confused) confuse
- HE ille
- HEAD adj principal; n (anat.) capite, testa; (chief) chef; v conducer, diriger; AT THE - OF al testa de; LOSE ONE'S - perder le testa
- HEAD-A-BALL-INTO-THE-NET (soccer/football) facer un goal con le capite
- HEAD-FOR diriger se verso
- HEAD-OFF interceptar
- HEAD-ON de fronte, frontal
- HEADACHE mal de capite
- HEADER (soccer/football) *colpo de testa, *colpo de apite
- HEADING testa, titulo
- HEADLDNG adj precipitate; adv precipitemente
- HEADLINE titulo
- HEADMASTER director de schola
- HEADMISTRESS directrice de schola
- HEADPHONE receptor de testa
- HEADQUARTERS (centre) centro; (mil.) quartiero general
- HEADSET receptor de testa
- HEADSTRONG obstinate
- HEADWAY progresso
- HEAL vt sanar; vi cicatrisar
- HEALTH sanitate
- HEALTHY (of person) san; (of place) salubre
- HEAP n cumulo; v cumular
- HEAP-UP accumular
- HEAR (use the ears) audir; (learn) apprender
- HEAR-ABOUT haber notitias de
- HEARING (sense) audito; (act) audita, audition; (audience) audientia
- HEARING-AID apparato de correction auditive, apparato acustic
- HEARSAY rumores
- HEARSE carro funebre
- HEART (anat.) corde; (courage) corage; BY - de memoria
- HEART-ATTACK attacco cardiac
- HEARTBEAT pulsation del corde
- HEARTBROKEN desolate
- HEARTFELT sincer
- HEARTH focar
- HEARTLESS cruel, impietose, insensibile
- HEARTY cordial, vigorose
- HEAT n (hotness) calor- (fervour) ardor, v calefacer
- HEATED (hot) calorose; (fig.) passionate
- HEATER calefactor, estufa
- HEATH landa
- HEATHEN adj pagan; n pagano
- HEATHER erica
- HEATING calefaction; CENTRAL - calefaction central
- HEATWAVE unda de calor
- HEAVE n effortio, sublevamento- v (throw) jectar; (rise and fail) respirar
- HEAVEN celo, paradiso
- HEAVY (weighty) pesante; (of rain) forte; (of sleep) profunde
- HEAVY WEIGHT peso pesante
- HEBREW adj hebree; n hebreo
- HECKLE interrumper, interpellar
- HECTARE hectar
- HECTIC febril
- HEDGE n haga, sepe; vt circumferer con un sepe; vi evitar de dar un responsa directe
- HEDGEHOG ericio
- HEED n attention; v prestar attentio a
- HEEL calce, talon
- HEFTY solide
- HEIGHT (altitude) altitude, (peak) culmine; (stature) talia
- HEIGHT altor
- HEIGHTEN intensificar
- HEINOUS atroce
- HEIR herede
- HEIRLOOM reliquia de famiglia
- HELICOPTER helicoptero
- HELIUM helium
- HELL inferno
- HELLISH diabolic, infernal
- HELLO (on meeting) bon die!, salute!; (to call attention) holla!; (to express surprise) vide!; (on the telephone) hallo!
- HELM timon
- HELMET casco
- HELP n (aid) adjuta;(succour) succurso;v (aid) adjutar;(succour) succurrer
- HELPER adjutante
- HELPFUL (of person) servicial; (thing) utile, avantagiose
- HELPLESS impotente, inope
- HEM n orlo; v orlar
- HEMISPHERE hemispherio
- HEMP *cannabis
- HEN gallina
- HENCE (from here) de hic; (therefore) in consequentia
- HENCEFORTH ab ora, de nunc in futuro
- HENCHMAN satellite
- HENNA *henna
- HER adj su; pron (after verb) la; (after preposition) illa
- HERALD n (proclaimer) heraldo; (forerunner) precursor; v annunciar, proclamar
- HERALDRY heraldica
- HERB herba
- HERD n grege; vt gregar
- HERD(S)MAN pastor
- HERE hic; - AND THERE hic e ibi; - IS/ARE ecce
- HEREAFTER in futuro
- HEREDITARY hereditari
- HEREDITY hereditate
- HERESY heresia
- HERETIC heretico
- HEREWITH hic-juncto
- HERITAGE hereditage
- HERMIT eremita
- HERO (brave person) heroe; (principa actor) protagonista
- HEROIC heroic
- HEROIN *heroina
- HEROINE heroina
- HERON hairon
- HERRING haringo
- HERS le sue(s)
- HERSELF pron (subject) ipse, mesme; (object) se
- HESITANT hesitante, irresolute
- HESITATE hesitar
- HESITATION hesitation
- HETEROGENEOUS heterogenee
- HETEROSEXUAL adj/n heterosexual
- HEXAGON hexagono
- HEXAGONAL hexagonal
- HI! salute!
- HIATUS hiato
- HIBERNATE hibernar
- HIBERNATION hibernation
- HICCUP n singulto; v singultar
- HIDE n pelle; v celar (se)
- HIDEOUS horribile, horrende
- HIDING adj celate; n (concealment) celemento; (beating) fustigation; - PLACE loco de celamento
- HIERARCHY hierarchia
- HIGH adj (elevated) alte, elevate; (important) importante; adv alto, n alto; TWO METRES - alte de 2 metros
- HIGH-FIDELITY de alte fidelitate
- HIGH-FREQUENCY de alte frequentia
- HIGH-GRADE de qualitate superior
- HIGH-HANDED arbitrari; tyrannic
- HIGH-PLATEAU altiplano
- HIGH-SPIRITED plen de ardor
- HIGH-STREET via principal
- HIGH-TEST de qualitate superior
- HIGH-TIDE marea alte
- HIGHBROW intellectual
- HIGHEST-BIDDER adjudicatario
- HIGHLANDS region montuose
- HIGHLIGHT n momento culminante, aspecto notabile; v dar emphase a
- HIGHLY multo
- HIGHNESS altessa; YOUR - Vostre Altessa
- HIGHWAY strata
- HIJACK sequestrar, piratar
- HIJACKER pirata
- HIKE n excursion a pede; v facer un excursion a pede
- HIKER excursionista (a pede)
- HILARIOUS allegre, hilare
- HILL altura
- HILL collina
- HILLSIDE (flanco de) collina
- HILLTOP culmioe del collina
- HILLY collinose, montuose
- HIM (after verb) le; (after preposition) ille
- HIMSELF pron (subject) ipse, mesme; (object) se
- HIND posterior
- HINDER adj posterior; v impedir
- HINDLEG gamba posterior
- HINDRANCE impedimento, obstaculo
- HINDSIGHT sagessa retrospective
- HINDU adj/n hindu
- HINGE cardine
- HINT n (remark) insinuation, allusion indirecte; (trace) sapor; intention
- HIP coxa
- HIPPOPOTAMUS hippopotamo
- HIRE n location; v (things) locar (staff) ingagiar; FOR - a locar
- HIRER locator
- HIS su; poss. pron le sue(s)
- HISS n sibilo; v sibilar
- HISTORIAN historico
- HISTORIC(AL) historic
- HISTORY historia
- HIT n (blow) colpo; (success) successo; v (strike) colpar; (a target) attinger; - BACK defender se; - OUT lanciar grande colpos
- HITCH n difficultate; v attaccar
- HITCH-HIKE (v) = facer de autostop
- HITCH-HIKE facer le *autostop
- HITCH-HIKING *autostop
- HITCH-HIKING = autostop
- HIVE apiario
- HOARD n (pile) accumulation; (of treasure) thesauro; v amassar, accumular
- HOARDER accaparator
- HOARDING (round a building-site) palissada de construction; (billboard) grande tabula publicitari
- HOARSE rauc
- HOARSENESS raucitate
- HOAX n mystification; v mystifica
- HOBBLE claudicar
- HOBBY passatempore, *hobby
- HOCK vino blanc del Rheno
- HOCKEY *hockey
- HODDLUM gangster
- HOE n sarculo; v sarcular
- HOG n porco; v (eat) devorar; (monopolise) monopolisar
- HOIST n montacargas; v sublevar
- HOLD r (grip) prisa; (ship's) *cala, v (keep) tener; (contain) continer; (occupy) occupar; (of meetings) tener; (think) mantener, opinar
- HOLD-BACK retener (se)
- HOLD-IN frenar, reprimer
- HOLD-OFF tener a distantia
- HOLD-ON tener firme, persister
- HOLD-OUT vt extender; vi durar
- HOLD-UP (traffic) obstruction, interruption; (criminal) attacco armate; v (show) monstrar; (traffic) obstruer, interrumper; (as a crime) robar
- HOLDALL sacco de viage
- HOLDER (person) possessor; (of titles, shares) detentor; (thing) recipiente, porta- (- name of thing held)
- HOLE (cavity) cavo; (perforation) foramine
- HOLIDAY (as in "bank holiday") die feriate; (vacation) ferias, vacationes; BE ON - feriar
- HOLINESS sanctitate
- HOLLAND Hollanda, *Nederlanda
- HOLLOW adj (not solid) cave; (fig.) false; n cavo; BEAT - vincer completemente
- HOLLOW-OUT excavar
- HOLLY ilice
- HOLSTER pistoliera
- HOLY sancte
- HOMAGE homage
- HOME adj (of a house) domestic; (of trade) interior; (of defence) (sentimentally) focar; AT - a casa; GO - ir a casa
- HOME-MADE facite in casa
- HOMECOMING retorno al casa, al focar
- HOMELAND patria
- HOMESICK nostalgic
- HOMESICKNESS mal del pais, nostalgia
- HOMEWORK deberes
- HOMICIDAL homicidal
- HOMICIDE (act) homicidio; (person) homicida
- HOMOSEXUAL adj/n homosexual
- HONEST honeste
- HONESTLY honestemente
- HONESTY honestate
- HONEY melle
- HONEYMOON luna de melle
- HONEYSUCKLE caprifolio
- HONO(U)R n honor; v honorar
- HONO(U)RABLE honorabile
- HONORARY (honoured) honorari; (unpaid) non remunerate
- HOOD (headgear) cappucio; (of car: U.S.) copertura del motor; (of car: British) cappotta
- HOODWINK deciper, dupar
- HOOF ungula
- HOOK (gentile.) croc, uncino; (fishing) hamo; v prender al hamo; BY - OR BY CROOK per un manlera o un altere, a omne costo
- HOOLIGAN scelerato juvene
- HOOLIGANISM conducta irrationalmente destructive
- HOOP anello, circulo de ferro
- HOOT n (of owl) ululation; (of horn) colpo de *klaxon; v (of owl) ulular; (motoring) sonar le *klaxon; (theat.) critar in disapprobation
- HOP n (bot.) lupulo; (jump) salto; v saltar
- HOPE n sperantia; v sperar
- HOPEFUL plen de sperantia
- HOPELESS (without hope) sin sperantia, desperate; (med.) incurabile; (situation) impossibile, irremediabile; (useless) inutile
- HORDE *horda
- HORIZON horlzonte
- HORIZONTAL horizontal
- HORMONE *hormone
- HORN (of animal) corno; (of car) *klaxon
- HOROSCOPE horoscopo
- HORRIBLE horribile
- HORRID (horrible) horribile, horride; (nasty) disagradablle
- HORRIFY horrificar
- HORROR horror
- HORS D'OEUYRE hors d'oeuvre
- HORSE cavallo
- HORSE-RACING le cursas
- HORSE-SHOW concurso hippic
- HORSEBACK, ON a cavallo
- HORSEMAN cavallero
- HORSEPOWER cavallo-vapor
- HORSESHOE ferro de cavallo
- HORTICULTURAL *horticultural
- HORTICULTURE horticultura
- HOSE manica
- HOSE-DOWN lavar con manica
- HOSIERY calcetteria
- HOSPITABLE hospital, amical
- HOSPITAL hospital
- HOSPITALITY hospitalitate
- HOSPITALIZE *hospitalisar
- HOST (at party) hospite, hoste; (at an inn) tavernero; (crowd) multitude
- HOSTAGE hostage, ostage
- HOSTEL *hostello; YOUTH - albergo de juventute
- HOSTESS *hostessa
- HOSTILE inimic, hostil
- HOT calide; BE - (of weather) facer calor; (of people) haber calor
- HOT-BLOODED ardente, passionate
- HOT-DOG panetto reimplite de salsicia
- HOT-HEADED fanatic, impetuose
- HOT-TEMPERED irascibile
- HOT-WATER BOTTLE bottilia de aqua calide
- HOTBED (bot.) seminario calide; (fig.) foco de corruptlon
- HOTEL hotel
- HOTELIER hotelier
- HOTHOUSE conservatorio calide
- HOTPLATE *calefaceplattos
- HOUND n can de chassa; v perseque
- HOUR hora
- HOURLY adj horari, de cata hora; adv cata hora
- HOUSE (home) *casa, domo; (dynasty) dynastia; v (embed) incastrar; (v) albergar, allogiar; (store) immagazinar
- HOUSE-OF-COMMONS Camera del Communes
- HOUSE-OF-LORDS Camera del Lords
- HOUSE-OF-REPRESENTATIVES Camera del Representantes
- HOUSEBOAT *casa flottante
- HOUSEBREAKER effractor
- HOUSEBREAKING effraction
- HOUSEHOLD famiglia, menage
- HOUSEKEEPING economia domestic, governamento del *casa
- HOUSEMAID domestica
- HOUSEPRDUD orgoliose del proprie casa
- HOUSEWIFE matre de famiglia, matre de menage, *menagera
- HOUSEWORK travalios domestic
- HOUSING (provision of dwellings) *allogiamento; (dwellings) *casas
- HOUSING-ESTATE colonia residential
- HOVER planar, esser suspendite, flottar in le aere
- HOVERCRAFT aeroglissator; a cossino de aere
- HOW como
- HOW-ARE YOU? como sta vos?
- HOW-LONG quante tempore
- HOW-MANY quante
- HOW-MUCH adj quante; adv quanto
- HOW-OLD IS HE? quante annos ha ille?
- HOWEVER adv (no matter which way) comocunque; conj (nevertheless) nonobstante, tamen, totevia
- HOWL n ululation; v ulular, lamentar se
- HUB modiolo; (fig.) centro
- HUDDLE n gruppo; v serrar (se)
- HUE tinta
- HUFF cholera; BE IN A - offender se
- HUG n imbraciamento; v imbraciar
- HUGE enorme, vaste, immense
- HULK *carcassa de nave
- HULL n (of ship) corpore; (shell) scalia; v scaliar
- HUM n susurro; v (buzz) susurrar; (a tune) cantar a bucca clause
- HUMAN adj human; n *humano, esser human
- HUMAN-NATURE natura human
- HUMANE human
- HUMANISM humanismo
- HUMANITARIAN adj humanitari: n humanitario
- HUMANITY humanitate
- HUMBLE adj humile; v humiliar
- HUMDRUM banal, monotone, sin interesse
- HUMID humide
- HUMILIATE humiliar
- HUMILIATION humiliation
- HUMILITY humilitate
- HUMO(U)R n humor; v complacer
- HUMORIST humorista
- HUMOROUS humorose
- HUMP gibbo
- HUNCH suspicion, presentimento
- HUNCHBACK *gibboso
- HUNDRED cento
- HUNDREDTH adj centesime; n centeslmo
- HUNGARIAN adj hungare; n hungaro
- HUNGARY Hungaria
- HUNGER n fame; v haber fame
- HUNGER-STRIKE exopero del fame
- HUNGRY famelic; BE - haber fame
- HUNT n (sport) chassa, veneria; (hunting party) partita de chassatores; (pursuit) persecution; v chassar
- HUNT-DOWN persequer
- HUNT-OUT cercar
- HUNTER chassator, venator
- HUNTING adj cynegetic, venatori; n chassa, veneria
- HUNTSMAN chassator
- HURDLE obstaculo, barriera
- HURL jectar
- HURRAH hurrah
- HURRICANE huracan
- HURRY n haste; v accelerar (se) hastar (se)
- HURRY-AWAY partir in haste
- HURT n damno, mal; vt (cause pain) facer mal a; (harm) nocer a, offender; (wound) ferir, vulnerar; vi doler; MY HEAD -S le capite me dole
- HUSBAND marito
- HUSH n silentio; vt silentiar; vi tacer
- HUSK n scalia; v scaliar
- HUSKY adj (of voice) rauc; (tough) robuste, solide; n can *eschimese
- HUSTLE n haste; v (hurry) hastar (se); (push) pulsar
- HUT cabana
- HUTCH *coniliera
- HYACINTH hyacintho
- HYBRID ad.j/n hybrida
- HYDRANT hydrante
- HYDRAULIC hydraulic
- HYDRO-ELECTRIC hydroelectric
- HYDROGEN hydrogeno
- HYDROGEN-BOMB bomba al hydrogeno
- HYENA hyena
- HYGIENE hygiene
- HYGIENIC hygienic
- HYMEN hymene
- HYMN hymno
- HYMNBOOK hymnario
- HYPHEN tracto de union
- HYPHENATE scriber con le tracto de union
- HYPNOSIS hypnose
- HYPNOTISM hypnotismo
- HYPNOTIST hypnotista
- HYPNOTIZE hypnotisar
- HYPOCHONDRIA hypochondria
- HYPOCHONDRIAC adj hypochondriac; n hypochondriaco
- HYPOCRISY hypocrisia
- HYPOCRITE hypocrita
- HYPOCRITICAL hypocrita
- HYPODERMIC hypodermatic
- HYPOTHESIS hypothese
- HYPOTHETICAL hypothetic
- HYSTERECTOMY *hysterectomia
- HYSTERIA hysteria
- HYSTERICAL hysteric
- HYSTERICS attacco de hysteria