Resultato del recerca

  • cadetto n cadet (1. younger son or brother; 2. student at a military school)

  • censor n I. censor (1. [Rom. Antiq.]; 2. official in charge of censorship); II. critic, faultfinder; III. [School] monitor, censor, proctor, etc.; IV. census taker
    Hence: censorial

  • classe n I. class (1. group of individuals or things of the same status; also: “social class”; “class of animals or plants”; 2. “class in school”); II. classroom
    Hence: classic &; classar; classificar &

  • collegian adj high-school, preparatory-school

  • collegio n 1. college (as in “college of cardinals”); 2. secondary school;
    collegio electoral Electoral College
    Hence: collegial; collegian

  • curso n I. run, running (= action of running); II. course (1. trend, path; 2. “course of lectures, studies, etc.”); III. piracy;
    curso de aqua watercourse, stream;
    sequer un curso de [School] to take a course in;
    in le curso de in the course of;
    haber curso to be in circulation, in current use, etc.;
    viage de longe curso sea voyage

  • deber² n 1. duty (= obligation); 2. [School] assignment

  • equitation n equitation;
    schola de equitation riding school

  • internato n boarding school

  • interno n 1. [School] boarder, boarding student; 2. [Med.] intern(e)

  • maestro n master (1. lord, owner, etc.; 2. person possessing approved skill or mastery); attrib. master (= main);
    maestro de ceremonias master of ceremonies;
    maestro (carpentero, etc.) master (carpenter etc.);
    maestro (de schola) (school)master
    Hence: maestria; maestral; maestrar-maestramento, maestrabile, maestrative; burgomaestro etc.; maestra

  • maneo (-éo) n I. stratagem, trick; II. manège (1. horsemanship; 2. riding school)

  • normal¹ adj normal (1. at right angles, perpendicular; 2. conforming to a norm);
    schola normal teacher's college, normal school

  • nota n I. note (1. as in “to take notes of a lecture”; 2. annotation; also: footnote; 3. [Dipl.]; 4. [Mus.]); II. [School] mark, grade; III. bill, account;
    nota (de banca) banknote;
    de nota of note;
    prender nota de to make a note of
    Hence: notario &; notar &

  • parnassian adj Parnassian (= pertaining to the Parnassus; also specif.: as in “Parnassian school of poetry”)

  • ped·agogo n pedagogue; also: [Rom. Hist.] servant escorting children to school
    Hence: pedagogia; pedagogic; podagogica

  • polytechnico n polytechnic (school)

  • primari adj 1. first; 2. primary;
    instruction primari primary or elementary instruction;
    schola primari elementary school;
    de primari importantia of primary importance;
    terrenos primari [Geol.] primary, primitive formations or rocks

  • private 1. pp of privar; 2. adj private;
    in privato in private;
    schola private private school

  • schola n school;
    tener schola to keep school
    Hence: scholar

  • scholar¹ adj school

  • scholar² n school child, pupil

  • secundari adj secondary;
    schola secundari high school, secondary school

  • thema [-ma/-mat-] n I. theme (1. topic, subject; 2. [School] composition; 3. [Mus.]); II. [Gram.] stem, base, theme
    Hence: thematic-athematic

  • trobador n troubadour (= medieval lyric poet of a school flourishing in Provence and the south of France)

Como consultar le dictionario

  • Scribe le parola(s) que tu vole trovar, separate per spatios:

    Exemplo: vider reguardar

    Isto trova entratas que contine "vider", o "reguardar", o ambes.

  • Usa un asterisco pro trovar qualcunque sequentia de zero o plus litteras.

    Exemplo: vide* reg*ar

    Isto trova entratas con "vide", "vider", "vidente", etc., o "reguardar", "regular", etc.

  • Usa qualcunque symbolo differente de littera/numero/asterisco/spatio pro indicar adjacentia de parolas.

    Exemplo: act*.of.*ing

    Isto trova iste exacte sequentia de parolas, malgrado qualcunque punctuation existente inter illos in le dictionario: "action of abandoning", o "(act of) boarding", etc.

  • Usa "+" o "-" ante un parola o sequentia de parolas pro fortiar su presentia o absentia.

    Exemplo: +vider +reguardar -see

    Isto trova entratas que contine ambe parolas "vider" e "reguardar", ma sin "see".

    Nota: Quando tu fortia le presentia de alcun parola con "+", parolas indicate sin "+" o "-" es ignorate.

    Exemplo: vider +reguardar -see

    Isto trova entratas que contine "reguardar" e non contine "to see". Le parola "vider" es ignorate per le cerca.

    Attention: Il debe haber un spatio ante le signal "+" o "-" e le parola anterior, o illo sera considerate un indicator de adjacentia. "il-se+tracta-de" non es le mesme que "il -se +tracta -de"!

  • Misce le optiones supra pro realisar cercas complexe.

    Exemplo: +act*.of.*ing -*ntia -*ura -*age